Classroom education on Quantum Mechanics (QM) concerns the various quantum phenomena and how to deal with them mathematically. In the laboratory, we use QM as a tool to predict measurement statistics. The experiments are repeatable, and the results are not in dispute. But when it comes to the interpretation of the theory of QM, there is much discomfort in the community. Sure, quantum phenomena are so removed from our daily experiences, and in many aspects are so counter intuitive, that it might seem only natural that our interpretation of the theory and corresponding view of reality must reflect that. Furthermore, the Complimentarity Principle simply states that the elementary quanta are neither particles nor waves, but some entity that transcends both of their natures and only displays one of these attributes at a time. This principle is merely a statement of our conceptual difficulties with QM, but doesn't really attempt a solution.
A semiclassical interpretation was put forth by Schrödinger who suggested that the wavefunction for matter waves is analogous to the field variables in electromagnetic waves. This interpretation was rejected long ago due to its intrinsic ``nonlocality problems.'' However, the Bell Inequality [2] and its numerous experimental verifications have since dictated the need for a nonlocal interpretation of quantum theory. Thus, we can start with Schrödinger's original idea, and build on it to provide an understanding as to what happens during a measurement or ``collapse of the wavefunction.''
The ideas for the ProWave Interpretation resulted from desperately trying to make some sense out of the various experiments and connecting them with accepted quantum theory. We now think it is possible to (at least) conceive of how these bizarre quantum effects could come about in a sensible way.