META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Wave, Wave Structure, Electron, Physics, space resonance, Origin of Natural Laws, Galilean Electrodynamics, matter waves, wave matter, entangled quantum states, Natural Laws, electron structure, Space, Electron Spin, Physical Origin, Physical, wave/particle duality of matter, point particles, Universe, Quantum Universe, Quantum, matter particle, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Theory, quantum waves, elementary quanta, Propagating Wave, particle path, propagating wave, Spherical Wave, Spherical Rotation, Quantum Energy, ProWave, charged particles, physical structure, spherical rotation, in-waves, out-waves, Electron waves, hadron particles, high-frequency waves, vibration, fundamental elements of matter, mass, charge, gravity, Microphysics, Fundamental Laws, Cosmology, Elementary Particle Physics, energy exchange, conservation of energy, theory, experimental results, 2-slit experiment EPR Effect, Instantaneous Action, empirical, Mach's Principle, inertia, time travel, Enigma, paradox, scientific puzzles, Buddhist Thought, Big Bang, probability wave, cosmic, Richard Feynman, Irwin Schrödinger, Albert Einstein, Hans Tetrode, Louis Duc de Broglie, Feynman's Rules, Democritis, Dirac, Wyle, W. K. Clifford, Dirac Equation, Dirac Theory of Electron Spin, Doppler Effect, Schroedinger's Equation, Euclidean, Christian Huygens, Podolsky, Rosen, Mossbauer Effect, Frontier Perspectives, Physics Journal, Apeiron, American Physical Society, Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe, Milo Wolff, Technotran Press, The Origin of Instantaneous Action in Natural Laws, The Physical Origin of Electron Spin, The Eight fold Way of the Universe">
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Milo Wolff's Quantum Science Corner's |
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At this site you can... Read: Articles Reprints of
Scientific Papers on the latests theories of the Wave Structure of Particles. Interact: Be a Pioneer
the Quantum U. and Receive Updates on Contributions to this Page. State Your View: Write letters
to the Quantum Science Corner Submit your Research:
Submit your own research and ideas on wave theory to this site on our Members page. Sign Visitor Guestbook View Visitor Guestbook |
Why you should check out this site: Have you been intrigued by the
puzzles of science and the mysteries of the universe? You can indulge your curiosity and participate in the discoveries that lie ahead! Be a pioneer of the new revolution in science. These pages will discuss the basic natural
phenomena which underlie physical science and the cosmos. What this Site is about: The Wave Structure of Particles This web site is a platform for learning, discussion, and further discovery of the
fundamental structure of physical matter and the cosmos. The central theme is the recently recognized wave structure of particles and the exciting consequences of their matter waves
that exist throughout the universe. It replaces the 'Standard Model' of physics - now obsolete. Published Articles by Milo Wolff
Origin of the Natural Laws. The philosopher's speculation that all science has a single origin turns out to be true!.
A Wave Structure For the Electron This reprint of an article in Galilean Electrodynamics
(May 15, 1998) describes the wave structure of the electron in detail. Origin of
Feynman's Rules for the Electron.
Is time travel possible? Richard Feynman said, "An electron might do it, but . . . " The World of Hans Tetrodeand EPR explained
. (July 30, 1998)
A detailed look at the structure of the electron's matter waves reveals that in 1922 Hans Tetrode was the first to anticipate the EPR "entangled quantum states" effect.
The Origin of Instantaneous Action in Natural Laws (March 15,
1999). The origin and cause of the strange events termed 'instantaneous action' are explained. Causality is not violated. The Physical Origin of Electron Spin This paper describes how the spin of the electron is
produced by matter waves. The electron is a structure termed a space resonance, which readily explains the wave/particle duality of matter and many other puzzles.
This is an updated version (June 10, 1999) of the article published on the web page of the American Physical Society, November 22, 1997. The Eight fold Way of the Universe To deduce the character of a matter particle one
asks, "What must be the properties of two particles which interact with each other? How can they communicate their properties to each other?" From a lecture
given at Stanford University and published in the Temple University journal, Frontier Perspectives and the Physics Journal, Apeiron, both in 1997. |
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Milo Wolff: Quantum Science Corner's Editor
My name is Milo Wolff and I am a physicist, astronomer, and explorer of the wondrous cosmology of the universe. I have worked for MIT, Aerospace Corporation, the United Nations, as well as taught at various
universities in the USA and Asia. I urge you to join the exciting and fascinating exploration of matter, the natural laws, and the universe. You may become a famous pioneer and, at the least, you will
have fun! Above is a photo of Milo comparing the waves of a particle with the layers of an onion. Milo Wolff is the author of the book, "Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe
," available ($15 paper, $39 hardcover). See it at the internet bookstore
To the Editor: For information, discussion, and submission of letters or articles,
send to: Webmaster: Milo Wolff, 1124 Third St., Manhattan Beach, California 90266 USA. Or send email to:
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Members Corner: Your New Ideas and Research invited...
If you have done interesting scientific research, written a paper or just had an interesting idea or thought, send a letter to the Quantum Science Corner, describing your view. Send
your email and name to Authors should send an abstract of proposed articles. Use Netscape HTML. Abstracts and articles will be judged by
referees. Letters are published immediately. Just Submitted! by Dan Provenzano
, a PhD student at caltech in Applied Physics The ProWave Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Copyright, 1996. An excerpt from Dan's abstract:
It is widely accepted in Quantum Mechanics that measurements reveal the particle nature of elementary quanta, but there are
many interpretations on how these ``particles'' move from the emitter to the point of measurement. This paper introduces in the ProWave (for ``Propagating Wave
'') Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, The basic idea is that elementary quanta always exist in the form of a wave, and always travel in the form of a wave, described by Schrödinger evolution, but are
always measured each at a single location. This concept replaces all interpretations based on quanta traversing a particle
path with the notion of a propagating wave coupled with a new concept of ``Quantum Energy Localization.'' It is argued in
this paper that the ProWave Interpretation explains all known experimental results in a ``realistic'' way that would have
pleased Einstein, Schrödinger, deBroglie and all those who are currently looking for a sensible way to understand the
implications of Quantum Theory. As examples, the 2-slit experiment, and EPR experiment, and a quantum eraser are interpreted in the ProWave picture. Do you want to join the pioneers? Members of the Quantum Science Corner will receive notices of new articles when published. To join the Quantum Science Corner
, and send a letter describing your views, your email and name to The Members Discussion page is under construction. |
Milo Wolff's Space Resonance Visualized:
Animation of a Standing Wave This animation of the waves of an electron lets you imagine
vividly what an electron looks like if it were big enough to see. For a more detailed description of the Standing Wave and how it works, visit the page "Seeing an Electron" at this site
The physical structure of the charged particles involves inward and outward spherical quantum waves. At the center, spherical rotation* changes
in-waves to out-waves. (Needed: a graphics programmer who can display these simple mathematical equations in 2D or 3D computer animation. Contact Milo Wolff
if interested.) The simplest resonance is the electron whose mathematical physical structure is exactly known.
Electron waves (comprising all charged particles) extend to infinity serving as the 'communicator' of the natural laws. In contrast, the hadrons exist in a
closed, high density region of high-frequency waves analogous to waves inside a drum or a hollow sphere. No one is sure. It is thought that the many
modes of possible vibration in the closed space correspond to the many types of hadron particles. All the qualitative properties point to this conclusion. But no mathematical solutions of these
3D wave modes have been investigated. Mathematicians, please rise to the challenge! The Spherical Wave Concept of Matter solves Quantum Theory Enigmas
. Four thousand years ago, Democritis created the point particle of mass to represent the fundamental elements of matter. This concept was satisfactory
until about 1900 when quantum properties of matter were found. Then, puzzles, problems, and paradoxes appeared because most properties of matter derive from the wave structure of particles.
Democritis couldn't know this and until recently few persons challenged his embedded concept. Nevertheless, Schroedinger, deBroglie, Dirac, and
Einstein, the founders of quantum theory, preferred a wave structure of matter, and in the last decades researchers have validated their intuition. The Space Resonance concept -
matter structured of spherical wave centers - avoids and explains the paradoxes and
problems of point particles. In hindsight it is simple; since mass and charge substances do not exist in nature, removing them
from particle structure also removes their problems. In their place, the wave centers possess the properties of mass and
charge which we observe in a human-sized laboratory, but without the problems of finding mass points which do not exist!.
One of the fascinating puzzles explained below by this new structure is the former mystery - the spin of the electron! The
overwhelming proof of the Wave Structure of Matter is the discovery that all the former empirical natural laws originate from the wave structure. The probability of a coincidence is infinitesimally small.
New Insights. A simple spherical wave structure of the particles leads to new exciting insights, including: 1) the origin of
the natural laws, and 2) the relationships between the smallest things - particles - and the largest, the universe itself. These
insights are breath-taking in their scope and potential. This structure appears to agree with and predict experimental observations. Origin of the Laws.
The origin of the natual laws are basically concerned with the behavior and forces between two
particles. Using Democritis' static particle model, there was no way to understand how forces, locations, or directions
could be communicated between the particles. Now the inward and outward spherical waves of the two particles provide
that infomation continuously. The origin of the natural laws are described in a book, "Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe
," available ($15 paper, $39 hardcover). See it at the internet bookstore
The Particle vs. the Universe. The relationships between particles and the entire universe are interacting with each other through their inward and outward waves. Thus they become joined into one
ensemble of waves which determines the behavior of the individual particles. The simplest example is Mach's Principle, which proposed (1890) that all the matter of
the universe determines the law of inertia (F=ma). This and other relationships are discussed in the paper "The Eightfold Way of the Universe." |