Milo Wolff's Quantum Science Corner's

Quantum Members Corner

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Paper Submission Instructions

If you are the author of new scientific research and/or written a paper in the area of wave or particle theory,  send an abstract of proposed articles to  Abstracts and articles will be judged by  referees. 

Accepted Paper Submission Instructions

When your paper is accepted, you will receive a signed copy of the author's book, " Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe." Accepted papers should be submitted in  HTML code, compressed as a Macintosh .sit file or a PC .zip file and attached to an email letter to  All imges should be in .gif or .jpeg format. HTML and image files should be linked in a single directory.  


NEW! Member Article Submission:

Thanks to Dan for submitting this excellent article! Like all accepted authors to this site, Dan will be receiving a signed copy of Milo Wolff's book, "Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe," for his submission.

Dan R. Provenzano, a PhD student at Caltech in Applied Physics
The ProWave Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
Copyright, July 27, 1996.

Abstract:  It is widely accepted in Quantum Mechanics that measurements reveal the particle nature of elementary quanta, but there are many interpretations on how these ``particles'' move from the emitter to the point of measurement. This paper introduces in the ProWave (for ``Propagating Wave'') Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, The basic idea is that elementary quanta always exist in the form of a wave, and always travel in the form of a wave, described by Schrödinger evolution, but are always measured each at a single location. This concept replaces all interpretations based on quanta traversing a particle path with the notion of a propagating wave coupled with a new concept of ``Quantum Energy Localization.'' It is argued in this paper that the ProWave Interpretation explains all known experimental results in a ``realistic'' way that would have pleased Einstein, Schrödinger, deBroglie and all those who are currently looking for a sensible way to understand the implications of Quantum Theory. As examples, the 2-slit experiment, and EPR experiment, and a quantum eraser are interpreted in the ProWave picture.    continued....

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