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Dan R. Provenzano, a PhD student at Caltech in Applied Physics The ProWave Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Copyright, July 27, 1996. Abstract:
It is widely accepted in Quantum Mechanics that
measurements reveal the particle nature of elementary quanta, but there are many interpretations on how these ``particles'' move from the emitter to the point of measurement. This paper introduces in the
ProWave (for ``Propagating Wave'') Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, The basic idea is that elementary quanta always exist in the form of a wave, and always travel
in the form of a wave, described by Schrödinger evolution, but are always measured
each at a single location. This concept replaces all interpretations based on quanta traversing a particle path with the notion of a propagating wave coupled with a new concept of ``Quantum Energy Localization.'' It is argued in this paper that the ProWave Interpretation explains all known experimental results in a ``realistic'' way that would have pleased Einstein, Schrödinger, deBroglie and all those who are currently looking for a sensible way to understand the implications of Quantum Theory. As examples, the 2-slit experiment, and EPR experiment, and a quantum eraser are interpreted in the ProWave picture.