Information, Tutorials & Theory
Space Art, the Solar System: Recent Moon & Planetary Pix: Great Astronomy Site with a history of the space program, a list of historical figures
in astronomy and a glossary of astronomy terms.A list of Physical Laws is available from this US server.
This page at the University of Oxford describes the wave particle duality in Lasers Some works on the
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle available on the WWW Particle Wave Duality Tom, a Physics Student provides some basic first and second year college level physics tutorial on the history of the Particle Wave Duality Particle and Wave Visualizations Atom-in-a-Box: Dean Dauger's Quantum Simulation of Hydrogen Orbitals Fraunhoffer Workshop: Wave Diffraction Patterns thru Arbitrary Apertures Molecular Models: Visualize Hundreds of Curious Chemicals as little round balls stuck together! :-) More Scientists with Strange Ideas... Caroline Thompson: Against the Quantisation of Light - this UK college professor has some lively ideas on The Nature of Light and interesting links at her site. Physics and Science Organizations American Physical Society, Common Sense Science
, looking for new theories of physics that obey scientific principles
Natural Philosophy Alliance (NPA) Home PageThe Global Dissident Physics Association ('ethical discourse in natural philosophy'), Australia.